Yogyaday Dudhnath Tharu Multiple Campus

 Suddhodhan- 3, Farsatikar, Ramawapur, Rupandehi



A great place for education


YDTMC is a leading institution in the catchment area near Butwal and Bhairahawa not only catering to the need of the local students but also the students from Butwal Sub-Metropolitan and adjoining well-facilitated areas. It is in the phase of achieving a national and international standard of teaching-learning activities with 'Local Institution in the Global Standard'.It first, released its halo of education with B.A & B Ed. program having 20 students and now, it has been flourished with around 600 students meeting its motto with the devotion of educationalists and social workers as well. Supporting the demands of the local pupils, it has successfully run the MBS, BBS, B. Ed programs. There is no doubt that the college has been the first choice of the students in the catchment area adjoining one Sub-Metropolitan and two Municipalities.

Our Objectives

Professional development of faculties.

Help develop students' practical & professional skills.

Facilitate overall development of students.

Motivate them for higher education.

Encourage them to higher education.

Relate teaching & learning with research.

Manage required ICT Facilities.

Implant social & moral values in students.

Increase the number & pass percentage of students.

Help our graduates to be successful in life.

Manage extra sources of income for college.

Offer attractive academic programs according to the current global context.

Manage adequate sophisticated infrastructure & learning resources.

Optimum use of modern technology in administrative activities.

Manage required infrastructure for research activities.

Our Mission

Yagyodaya Dudhnath Tharu Multiple College is committed to the intellectual, personal and professional growth of its students, faculty and staffs. The college is dedicated to excellence in teaching, research activities, creative activities, scholarship, public engagement creating high-quality learning opportunities to all sections of students with affordable fee.

Chairman's Message

समयको माग अनुसार राष्ट्रलाई आवश्यक पर्ने जनशक्ति उत्पादन गर्ने उच्च शिक्षालयको आवश्यक महसुस गरी सबै तह र तप्काका जनसमुदायको साथ र समर्थन, सहयोग र बहुवलवाट २०५९ साल माघ ९ देखि १६ गते महायज्ञ सम्पन्न गरी २०६० श्रावण देखि त्रिभुवन विश्व विद्यालय बाट सम्वन्धन प्राप्त गरी B.Ed र BBS कक्षा सञ्चालन गरिएको थियो । यो १९ बर्षको अन्तरालमा क्याम्पस जीवनमा विभिन्न आरोह अवरोह आएता पनि क्याम्पसमा  संलग्न प्राध्यापक, कर्मचारी, दानदाता, शिक्षा प्रेमी जनसमुदाय, विद्यार्थीहरू र सञ्चालक समितिहरू निरन्तर क्रियाशील भएकाले मात्रै क्याम्पसको प्रगति यहाँ सम्म आएको हो । अहिले क्याम्पसको स्थिति हेर्दा प्रशस्त जग्गा जमिन, पक्की भवन र पर्याप्त कक्षाकोठाहरू, आधुनिक पुस्तकालय, स्ववियु भवन, दक्ष प्राध्यापकहरू करिब ८०० विद्यार्थीहरूको पठनपाठनले क्याम्पसको जीवन सबल र स्वास्थ्य देखिएको छ । अबका दिनमा  गुणस्तर प्रमाणिकरण  कार्यक्रम (QAA) लाई सफल पारी ५ नं प्रदेशकै नमुना क्याम्पस बनाउने दृढ सङ्कल्प सहित सञ्चालक समिति क्रियाशील छ । यो महान् अभियानमा सबैको साथ  समर्थन  र सहयोगको अपेक्षा गर्दछौँ ।

Principal's Message

Dear guardians, students, and well-wishers,

It is my great privilege to extend the heartiest welcome to you all at YDTMC, established with the motto, "LOCAL INSTITUTION WITH GLOBAL STANDARD" in 2060 B.S.

Established 19 years back as the first community campus in its catchment area, YDTMC has been growing up as a leading institution providing equal opportunity for quality education to all students in affordable fee structure. The college with the criteria of QAA under UGC, has been imparting in the students the academic excellence, a sense of duty, discipline and all moral and humanitarian values which are a need of the time. It is the progressive path because of its qualified, experienced and dedicated stakeholders. No doubt, our management is always vigilant in constantly equipping the institution to attain its vision, mission and goal. I hope that the students will select this campus, make use of those facilities here with a nurturing and caring environment and become more confident, academically bright and morally strong.

Thank You.
